I am SixZero

There were a couple of scary moments during my 60 year long journey to reach this day, but I made it!
Turning 60 is a memorable benchmark, worth a new online presence, and a good time to reflect on the past 60 years and the exciting on- and offline years ahead. My online life started about 20 years ago, with a noisy modem dial-up some of you may remember. Back in September 1999 PicTraCo was the first domain I registered , its last bits and bytes are now decomposing in the WorldWideWeb graveyard, though some elements still pop up in historic Google searches.
I always tried to be a early adopter, in search of the new new thing, knowledge, functionality and collaboration. But over the years, my multiple online presences became cluttered, sometimes maybe schizophrenic. Now with 60, a new and fresh start is possible. Gradually the more anonymous nickname of Bleiglass will be phased out, under which I published over many years in many blogs and websites. The main reason for this nick was not to hide, but had the futile goal of a clear separation between my private online presence and my exposed professional career in international banking. As a semi-retired 60 year old, I am now enjoying a very different life, and this identity separation is as redundant as my previous job. Above all technology advanced, allowing me now a more simple but still structured approach to express my views. Some legacy web presences like my Road King UK blog (https://roadkinguk.wordpress.com), active since 2010, will remain online, but I will stop to update them, and the core www.bleiglass.com will be switched off in the next couple of weeks. The content is saved, and some of the more interesting pages will migrate here to IamSixZero.com. Once I find the time ...
My future contributions on life in general and its many facets, why and how best to enjoy riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, will all be published here. The personal Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bleiglass) will continue to be active under the same URL, just its name will be adjusted, away from the more obscure name of Axel Art Bleiglass, to what my mother called me 60 years ago: Axel, with my father contributing: Thill.